If we cant find you, we cant help you!
If we can not find you, we can not help you in an emergency when every second may count — especially at night! Unfortunately, emergencies can and do happen and when precious seconds can mean the difference between life and death, you want to be sure you have done everything you can to put the odds in your favor.
The Ault-Pierce Fire Department is making available to the general public, Reflective Address Signs. These signs that are constructed of high-strength durable aluminum and measure six inches by eighteen inches are covered with a highly reflective Green background. The signs are individually personalized with three-inch white reflective bold numbers on both sides. These highly reflective, double sided and very visible signs help emergency personnel find your home quickly in the event of an emergency. The signs are $10.00 each and the proceeds of this project benefit the Ault-Pierce Fire Department community risk reductions projects.
Reflective Address Sign Features:
- Highly visible day or night
- Reflective materials on both sides
- Fade resistant, last for years
- Pre-drilled holes for easy installation
- Easily installed on mailboxes or wooden posts.
- Inexpensive and look good
- Easy for friends, family, repair and delivery persons find your home too
- If you live on a driveway with multiple houses or structures, you should consider a second sign that will identify your location.
We can also assist you by having our personnel install the signs for you at the entrace to your driveway. Note a post will have to be provided near your driveway entrance if your mailbox is not in the proximity.
Support your local Fire Department & community safety by purchasing a Reflective Address Sign for your home or business today